Business Secret

Wuxi, Jiangsu established contact places and demonstration places to protect trade secrets

What should I do if the formula of the product is leaked? How to stop the loss in time when an employee takes away the customer list after quitting? Recently, at the trade secret protection meeting in Wuxi, Jiangsu, the Wuxi Semiconductor Industry Association became the first contact place for

"Kabo" Technical Secret Punitive Damages Case

In the two years since its establishment, the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People's Court has given full play to the advantages of the system and continuously strengthened the trial of technical intellectual property rights.The Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme P

"Vanillin" Technology Secret Large Amount Compensation Case

In the two years since its establishment, the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People's Court has given full play to the advantages of the system and continuously strengthened the trial of technical intellectual property rights.The Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme P

Commercial secrets given protection

About 45,000 people prosecuted for IPR infringements from 2016 to 2020 Procuratorates will step up efforts to protect commercial secrets in key technology fields and combat infringement that involves advanced and core technologies or threatens enterprises' survival and development, the Supr

How do software companies respond when former employee gave away technical secrets

These technical secrets are the culmination of the misuse of the company's technical staff's hard work. How the company should protect these hard work results, the following case could be used to elaborate. The origin of the case Mr. C used to be the core technical s