Law & Enforcement

China’s Top Court Released the Top 10 IP Cases——Case Involving “Lafite” Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition Disputes

This judgment underscores that trademark registrants who attempt to free ride on existing trademarks should not be protected. It emphasizes the importance of good faith and honesty in market competition.

China's Top Court Released Top 10 IP Cases of 2023—Case Involving “Siemens” Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition Disputes

The Supreme People’s Court (SPC), China’s top court, recently released the top 10 intellectual property cases and 50 exemplary intellectual property cases of 2023. In the upcoming weeks, China IP will publish the English version of the top 10 intellectual property cases of 2023.

How to Respond to Drastic Amendment to China Trademark Law by the Right Holder

On January 13, 2023, the CNIPA issued the Bill to Revise the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China. This amendment is a "major surgery" on the existing Trademark Law, and many knowledges and practices formed in the past will be changed.

Chinese companies file over 100 int’l applications under Hague System

China’s accession to the Geneva Act (1999) of the Hague Agreement took effect on May 5. It means that non-Chinese design applicants can now designate this newest member of the Hague System in their international design applications and Chinese companies and designers can also now use the Hague Syste

Non-infringement declaration: a quicker fix than a dismissal ruling?

In this article, the author discusses this issue in reference to a judgement made by the Supreme Court.