April 1, 2021
The new vision statement of the Trilateral offices has been agreed, which originates from the 38th Trilateral Conference in December 2020. During the virtual conference, the heads of the European Patent Office (EPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO) and United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) committed to jointly develop the new future direction for the Trilateral Co-operation.
The new vision recognises the importance of a common approach to support and promote innovation, and optimise the international patent landscape for the benefit of the society. The Trilateral also acknowledge the importance of the international harmonisation of the patent system and the co-operation with Trilateral Industry in response to global challenges. Specifically, the new vision statement reflects the Trilateral’s endeavours.
The Trilateral Co-operation was established in 1983 between the EPO, the JPO and the USPTO. Since then, the Trilateral Offices have jointly worked for more efficient and higher quality patent procedures, which have benefitted offices and users alike.
The next Trilateral Conference will be hosted by the JPO in autumn 2021.
Source: European Patent Office website
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